Launching Soon! - GoodMine


GoodMine Pilot - We Are a Go!

Thanks to funding from Innovate UK and the Future Industries Demonstrator, Islington, East London, and Hammersmith and Fulham are all set on test-driving the Goodmine platform. 

Something for Everyone

Designed to unlock and ‘join the dots’ on all local options so our stuff can be used again and again, we’re working with people, businesses and councils to make sure it’s convenient, easy to use, and fit for purpose.


Get Involved

We are looking for pioneers across the reuse and repair community to shape and inform the development of GoodMine.

If you are an individual or business owner making waves in reuse, repair, refurbishment, or upcycling, the GoodMine team needs you. However big or small your enterprise or initiative – we want to know everyone and everything out there to ensure the platform truly reflects your local community.

Where To Next?

Interested in the GoodMine pilot but live outside of these areas? Get in touch anyway!

We’re already researching our next roll-out locations. Your input will shape the development of GoodMine so we can reach more communities and create the change we all want to see in extending the life of perfectly good stuff.